SOOOOO Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter in the Great Divergence. I do plan to do this soon.
That is one thing about having a couple of diseases. Crap happens!
We did adopt a new member to the family that is about 10 months old and FULL of UNBELIEVABLE ENERGY. But, I knew when we got him that he would be a hand full and was willing to deal with it in order to help myself hopefully regain a lot of the strength I have lost in the last couple years.
After falling numersous times, I am still in it and he is sticking by me. When I do fall or have a problem, he comes running over to me to help and lick me till I am soaking wet!
It is obvious he has already been through training but, a condition of the adoption was that we attend more obediance classes. He is SO smart and quite the character! He knows just about all the commands and some that surprise us. But, like I said...he is SO ACTIVE.
He loves to run and will run next to me as I drive down the road in my mobility scooter. He is so good. We took him to a dog park this weekend and there must have been 30 dogs there. It is a HUGE fenced in place at one of our favorite lakes/Parks where Mason use to run all the time. Anyway, there were several Great Danes, Labs, Pit Bulls, even a small Chihuahua that stayed mostly in his mom's arms!
But, Pepper loved it and all the dogs. He can bolt like lightening and then stop on a dime. I guess Border Collies are good at that. He would do that and the dogs chasing him would all fall over him since they could not just drop and stop like he could.
Because of the weather it was pretty muddy and any water puddle he would find...for some reason...he would plop right down into it! So, he got very muddy!! We decided to see if he would go in the lake to get the mud off, since we had a new bed in the back of the car....and we were amazed at how he just jumped in when we told him to "go get the ducks!" Looks like we will be spending a lot of time there, especially when the weather gets better.
He has really pushed me to the limit. I think I have fallen numerous times as well as having to make sure he is excersised all the time. I am exhaused and in a LOT of pain but, I know that this will be good for me in the long run.
He loves to sit on the patio with me and watch all the deer. Everyday we get visitors as you have seen or read from other posts. One was a huge Buck that was not scared of me or anything. I guess with those 4 points, he doesn't need to feel any fear!
I will post the next chapter very soon. Hopefully today or tomorrow. But, for now, enjoy the pictures!
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