I have to apologize for the technical difficulties my blog was experiencing.
It seems the template that was used became inactive on Photo-bucket, causing my page to fill up with tiles of the inactive account making it impossible to read my blog.
I am surprised I was able to get it fixed so that it is readable and at least half way decent looking with my total lack of intelligence when it comes to figuring out HTML's required to build a site.
I have wanted to post a bunch of stories and promise to get on them ASAP, including our trip to Ohio and the wonderful adventures, plus a few responses to some blogs I have been reading that have caught my attention and really would like to comment on.
My medical condition has gotten a lot worse as of late and am trying my best to get beyond it and make sure I am able to recover. There are some things on the table right now that will cure some of my deficits and make me a lot better, but, it will take some time. From what I am being told, it will be extremely painful before it will be better. So all your prayers would be appreciated.
I have also been getting more crafts done and think it is going to be sooner, rather then later when I get them up and going. I think a lot of you will be pleased with what you will be seeing. I know I am. And if you are petite or X sized, you will find something for you or someone you care about.
Right now I am just happy to be able to write a post you all can read and let you know I survived the trip, and motivated to get better physically! So look forward to some pictures and stories coming soon!