Saturday, September 26, 2009 has been sooooo long!

I am baaaaack!!

It seems like I have been gone for a year! But, I realize that I really need to get my life back and this blog and community is a large part of it.

I really need to get in touch with the empty nesters and parents of older children as well as the grandparents and mothers of the young ones. We all learn from each other. I think what is missing is the older generation and what they can do to help the younger moms, since they have “been there and done it”.

Plus the young moms are helping us grandparents and grandparents to be up to date with the current and more improved ways and products to raise our kids. Not to mention the new more environmentally safer products to use and much healthier ways or products that we have not heard of.

So, I am going to be looking for ways for all generations to come together and do this. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Now with the WWW, we can involve the WORLD to nurture our families and environment so that EVERYONE will benefit.

What Questions do young parents have for older parents? What questions do older parents and grandparents have for the young parents?

And yes….there will still be contests!! I will post the ones I find and then have my own, so don’t worry!

Remember the scooter and AE Aviators that we won…well look at Papa enjoying them both! The Aviators are almost like wearing prescription glasses! Now I know why the company is contracted by the Military! No glare what so ever! Sometimes Papa forgets to take them off when he goes inside since the are so well made and he can see inside and out! Dark enough for full sun but, light enough for inside! And the scooter…he is like a kid with a new toy. Rides it to work at least 3 days a week! It is really cool, a lot nicer then I though it would be. Like the BMW of Scooters!

And yes, Mason is back at school. He was glad to trade the scooter for the car with Papa!

Though he would have liked to have both! But, I think that was a smart move. Mason also took the bike that Garrett’s parent’s gave to him so he can ride to school and work and use the car for long distances or getting around quicker.

He is running Cross Country right now. Preparing for Indoor track that will start the beginning of the year. He is doing so much better and getting back into shape after his long illness that set him back the whole outdoor track season. We are anxiously awaiting for him to start so we can see more of him.

So, this is a quick catch up and I will get busy with more. Hopefully we will get more members and start learning from each other and helping each other through these confusing, fast paced times. Until the next time…give out a shout and let me know who is still there and get the conversation and topics going! I love to hear from everyone! Like my friend says “Comments are the air I breathe, as long as they aren’t polluted!”


Carolyn G said...

Michele, contact me at carogonza1 (at) yahoo - for some good news!!

Michele said...

Wow, this is GREAT NEWS!! Can't wait to tell everybody when I confirm...thanks for making my day!