After talking incessantly about my son Mason, this is a nice break to talk about another Whatcom County athlete that is a close friend of the family.
Garrett is a kick in the pants and like Mason, tends to keep his parents on the edge with his antics and changing directions, at the last moment!
Though I know Garrett has played soccer quite a bit in the past, he was running track the last couple years. He was on Mason’s team with Sehome. I should have asked his Mom, Lori, when he decided to run track. I am sure when he told her he was going to switch, it threw her for a curve. Just like it threw us for a curve when Mason, after playing baseball since he started T-Ball in the first grade, decided to switch to running track in his Jr. Year of High School.
Granted, Mason was running cross-country, but, baseball was his whole life…and Papa’s! Mason had his hand in a lot of things, and did very well. But, baseball was the priority, every year! He even went to pitching and hitting camps, batting cages, etc.
He was one of 2 sophomores in high school to play on the AAA, Post 7 Senior legion team that went on to play in the senior legion National World Series the following summer, which he passed up the chance to be a part of BECAUSE he switched to track!
So, when Lori told us about Garrett choosing Soccer this year, his senior year, I could only remember the shock, disbelief and worry about Mason changing his mind at the last moment, “What are you thinking!” quitting a sport you love and do well at to switch to a sport you have never participated in?
I remember his answer and always will. “I am not quitting to loose.” He told us confidently.
OK. Though my parents were very strict about us starting a sport or activity and quitting, I did not want my kids to loose out of the ability to go with their heart and choose what path they wanted to take. Sometimes, we may think we will enjoy it, then after getting involved, we decide it is not for us. So, we should have the option to change to find our true path. We also have to live with those consequences of changing and hope that it helps you in determining what your true calling is.
Garrett is a kick in the pants and like Mason, tends to keep his parents on the edge with his antics and changing directions, at the last moment!
Though I know Garrett has played soccer quite a bit in the past, he was running track the last couple years. He was on Mason’s team with Sehome. I should have asked his Mom, Lori, when he decided to run track. I am sure when he told her he was going to switch, it threw her for a curve. Just like it threw us for a curve when Mason, after playing baseball since he started T-Ball in the first grade, decided to switch to running track in his Jr. Year of High School.
Granted, Mason was running cross-country, but, baseball was his whole life…and Papa’s! Mason had his hand in a lot of things, and did very well. But, baseball was the priority, every year! He even went to pitching and hitting camps, batting cages, etc.
He was one of 2 sophomores in high school to play on the AAA, Post 7 Senior legion team that went on to play in the senior legion National World Series the following summer, which he passed up the chance to be a part of BECAUSE he switched to track!
So, when Lori told us about Garrett choosing Soccer this year, his senior year, I could only remember the shock, disbelief and worry about Mason changing his mind at the last moment, “What are you thinking!” quitting a sport you love and do well at to switch to a sport you have never participated in?
I remember his answer and always will. “I am not quitting to loose.” He told us confidently.
OK. Though my parents were very strict about us starting a sport or activity and quitting, I did not want my kids to loose out of the ability to go with their heart and choose what path they wanted to take. Sometimes, we may think we will enjoy it, then after getting involved, we decide it is not for us. So, we should have the option to change to find our true path. We also have to live with those consequences of changing and hope that it helps you in determining what your true calling is.
I am so glad that Garrett decided to go after what he wanted to do. It matters not that they become the next phenom at what they choose to do. It matters that they are doing what they enjoy most and that it brings them the most thrill, passion and satisfaction in their lives. It does not matter if it is a sport, or other activity such as music, science club, chess, etc. Just as long as it is what THEY want to do, or pursue. It might not be the first few activities they choose at first, since they will find their way eventually. It takes a lot of patience. For the parents, it is a continual learning process, and with enough patience, tolerance and support, the kids will find their way and be much better, well rounded and confident in their decisions.
Even if it means your child quitting after giving one activity a try, so they can try another. Like the time Mason tried Football in Middle School. It can get expensive and it can also be a pain changing your schedule to meet their needs of transportation, buying new equipment, etc. But, this is the only way, we as parents, are able to foster our kids needs to find their path and be able to envision their future goals.
I would rather go through these kinds of inconveniences, then not let them have the chance to be find an of activity or sport that brings them a passion in their lives to keep them focused, educated and healthy in mind and spirit. (I know that Papa had a real hard time with Mason decision since he was SO OBSESSED with Mason and baseball, but, he did good in letting loose and knowing it was not all about Papa) It is much better then us worrying about them sitting around playing video games or watching TV for hours upon hours a day, loitering at the mall, or getting involved in non-productive activities where they become lost from knowing what their talents and future goals are and discovering what talents they might have..
So, I hope all you kids know….we parents go through so much when you make ANY decision! Does not matter what it is, is will throw us for a loop because we are only concerned that you are doing what you need to do to stay on the path you chose, stay focused and accomplish your long range goals.
I am sure Garrett made this decision wisely, since his Mom told me that he has always enjoyed playing soccer. Garrett, to me, and you can tell by the photos I posted, is a real character!

Taking pictures and watching him play soccer for the first time, I could see how much he enjoys it! Very passionate, but, might want to hold back a little bit of those emotions that can go against you! Believe me, we know how hard it is to reign in those frustrations when the adrenaline gets going, especially when a player takes too long to tie his shoes!

Garrett’s School, Sehome High School and team, the Mariners, are now 2-1 after playing his first three non-conference games! GO, GO GARRETT DOROUGH! And SEHOME!
Last year Sehome beat Cheney, 2-1 for the 2A State Soccer Title! Garrett was on both 2A State Track and Field title teams the last couple of years. I got a great photo of him below when he was running the Steeplechase at the Birger Solberg Invitational, where he came in 1st place!

So, we are going to be keeping an eye on him for the season. We are not able to attend our own son’s meets, so we have decided to stalk Garrett for his senior year. I got permission from his mom, don’t worry!
We will keep a watch out and try to attend your home games, as long as the weather is good! So, be on your best behavior, because you never know if we get it on video! LOL! So, GO SEHOME and
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