Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sehome tops Blaine!

They did it again! Go Sehome! What a pool of talent Sehome has!
It only makes me more proud to know that my son attended that wonderful school and helped to make him the man he is today!
Whatever they are doing, I hope they keep it up!
I am so proud art of the team, and Garrett! I am glad to see that he is having a wonderful time since he made the decision in switching to soccer and seems to be having a lot of fun playing! I hope you keep it up!
They have a lot of wonderful players on the team. Including Nino Tursic. It looks like he was able to score three goals against Blaine! Dewees and Klien scored a couple each also!
Way to go all of you!
Now go do it again!

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