Monday, December 22, 2008
Please vote for Pepe, he deserves it after having to stomp through all this snow!
VHS to DVD 3.0, Found a Deal!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
20+ years of Memories on Tapes we need to save, Hopefully with help from "Mom Most Traveled" before they are to old to save!
She is giving away a VHS to DVD Deluxe 3.0.!! This nifty little gadget converts VHS, BETA and other analog video to DVD’s through your PC! HOW COOL IS THIS? Visit her site, by clicking VHS to DVD Deluxe 3.0 and there is tons of info she has there for you including links.
Mom Most Traveled Blog has all kinds of info about the software and a link to a YouTube Video’s that also include pretty much all 5 star ratings. Also, visit Honest Tech to not only view the product, that is well priced….Papa…but, also you can see other great products such as Easy Video Editor which would be a great thing to have since I have been trying to edit videos, and ummm…they just are not turning out like I want…in fact they turn out horrible! So, this would be another great gift or addition, especially if you are like me who tries hard to create great videos and fail miserably! One FABULOUS thing, which I am taking advantage of is that it has a FREE TRIAL! HELLO…FREE, I am so there.
If you are anything like us, you have drawers packed with VHS tapes with every Christmas, birthday, sports event, plays and vacations throughout the years. We have TONS! We keep saying we need to transfer them, but, do we get it done? One of those easily forgotten things to do, and then costly, so it is the last thing we think of doing since there are sooo many!!
Don’t worry kiddo’s, we erased all the spy shots I took!
I have to have one, I REALLY want to win one, since I know it will be a long time before we could buy the gadget.
During the holidays, it is one of our favorite things to do, spend hours and hours watching the kids from when they were babies to when they finally flew the nest. Even Sarah’s marriage and Mason’s winning and setting records in his State competitions. We even recorded the WHOLE play Leah starred in as “Scout” in “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
We have so much fun, but, we can tell the tapes are getting worn out and have been limiting ourselves to watching them too much and keep saying we need to transfer. Hopefully the time is here!
That is it…gotta have one! If I don’t win, I want one for Christmas. It would probably be cheaper to buy then having someone do it for us.
One of you could win one too…just click here SAVE THE MEMORIES and you just might win one from CanCan at the Mom Most Traveled site. If you do…can I borrow??
So go, win, And if I win, I promise you can borrow it from us to!
Thanks Guys…and hopefully you will be seeing some cool video’s soon that I will create from our old VHS tapes!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
MythBuster Beauty, I was a winner!
I Won the Natures Minerals Giveaway from Mythbuster's Beauty!
I won a set of Natures minerals from the Body shop that included Mineral Foundation, Cheek color and Golden eye Color.
Having a drawer full of Mineral Makeup jars, even a sak full of samples I ordered right before I won, I can say, that drawer is empty, except for the 3 Jars of Natures Minerals.
I have been wearing it daily to see how it stacked up to all the others and can say, it passed the oil and sweat test with flying colors! I even learned about foiling on Jen's Mythbuster site when applying the sheer Olive wash eyecolor that has micro-glitter highlites, and it worked to perfection! I am not the glitter type gal, a little too mature for this, but, this is perfect for me and looks fabulous. If you do the foil technique, the glitter stays and does not go flying all over your cheeks! The color is beautiful, and I did not have to apply more after sweating a couple gallons the other day. When I went to check in the mirror, I patted off all the sweat and the makeup still looked like perfection! Oh, and did I mention the foundation has a SPF of 25? That makes it even better!
I was real pleased with the selection of colors, especially for my ever so pale skin. They had a beautiful cheek color that was not that deep, dark red clay color that most companies carry only one of. The one I picked was one that was just a kiss of color that made me look like I was not so washed out, or like a clown with the darker colors!
Papa is wondering why I have been looking so good lately! It is all for him since I don't get out as much as I would like. He is very pleased, but, of course he tells me daily how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. Make up or not. Such a great guy! But, he has said he is impressed with the new make up and that I don't look as "pasty" like I did using the others.
So, I suggest you all check out Jen's site, because not only does she have wonderful beauty tips, but, she also has some great giveaways. 2 must haves for us women!
I can't find the blog link I got regarding the Foiling, but, when I do I will post it. Or, email me and I will be glad to tell you how to do it.
Have fun gals..I know you will love this site!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Mrs Deal Finder, Find great deals and enter to win a Wii!
Yippe, coupons and Deal galore! Call me the coupon and deal queen, and if you are like me...this is the site for you! So, head on over and "clip" those savings, then enter for a chance to win a Wii while you are there! Real simple since she organizes all the deals for you don't spend hours searching! Thank you Mrs!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Dirty Shirt
Technorati Profile
Friday, November 21, 2008
Delayed Post on Mason, AND delayed HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mommy Most Traveled, Tea Party and Giveaway!
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Wooden Spoon Giveaway - More fabulous prizes!
Pick from a Kitchenaid Immersion Blender, a Cuisinart Food Processor, or a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer!

She has five...yes 5...ways you can enter for a chance to win! And it is real easy to do...and definitely worth it. I don't know about you but, I have been wanting a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer since I became a mom! We won't say how long ago that was!
So, what are you waiting for? Get over there and get in the action!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Silver Treats Giveaway!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Katydid and Kid, Does it again with another fab giveaway from Sorrelli Jewelry!
Click on the title above to see some gorgeous, unique, one of a kind pieces of jewelry you will flip over! My huge weakness, that I try so hard to resist, but, this one has hold of me in an grip so tight, poor Papa will never be able to pry me away!
So visit and enter and maybe you will win a gorgeous pair of earings from their Raisen Glaze Collection! And while you are there, visit Sorrelli to see some jewelry you have never seen before!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Got to Make this easy, and oh, so good cassorole, Click here to vote and then Win!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Time Trials at ASU for Mason, with wings on his feet he is flying and making good time!
I won! Thanks to Katydid and Kid!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Win and Give at the same time!
Click on the banner to enter and explore..I found some great things while cruising around!
is giving away an adorable Mrs. Goodbee Dollhouse and also donating another to Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. How wonderful is this?
Monday, October 6, 2008
It just isn't hap-nin
I only wish I can get some of the things done that I need to do, without going down for another week. I have been trying for a week to do things and failed. I even had to cancel a date that Papa had planned for us last night. I went out for a couple hours and bam...down. I think it is some kind of cold the past week. Just after a couple hours of going to the store, left me hardly able to hold my head up and wanting to loose my cookie!
Anyway. We are so happy here and I have so much I want to do and can't wait to show everyone when it is done. But, I need to recover. I need all the prayers and positive vibes I can get to get back to my normal or at least half of my normal self so I can fix up our house like we want. AND keep it clean! Everyday, dirty or clean, we always say "I love this house!" We really are happy here. I am just sick of being unable to get my body to do what it is suppose to do!
Until I get better, I have something to look forward too. Usually when I want something I usually can get it done. It is different, how my heart, spirit and brain want my body to do things and it just won't cooperate. I was always a fighter, but, these days have been rough. I am going to chalk it up to over doing it in the move, and hope in the next month or so...I will be much better. This week, I think I have had some kind of cold, at least that is what it feels like, a bad one! Probably why I am so angry at not being able to do anything.
For now, I wait and plan for the days I can put my creative juices to work, and get our house looking like the pictures in the magizines, and actually have visitors!! Plus, well, I don't have to get into how much fun Papa and I can have when we don't have to worry about fixing, putting away things, cleaning and concentrate on having fun! I liked our last date when we came home with more money then what we left with!
So, if anyone wants to visit me, pray for me to get my butt in gear and get it done!! Right now, I am really getting inpatient and resorting to begging for prayers!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
24 Handbags in 24 Hours Sweepstakes! Sign up and Win!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Check out my FOR SALE list on my side bar for Craigs List

Friday, September 12, 2008
Mason's ASU Profile
Sarah and Michael won a beautiful diamond heart necklace worth 900 dollars this past week! Needless to say, I have been sending Michael lots of contests to enter. I remember my first big win was a diamond heart necklace, but, it was only worth a couple hundred. But, it took years of entering to win just that! Hopefully Michael will have better luck, that is if he catches the bug and enters the contests regularly.
I still have to plan our trip to see them with the Amtrak win I got. It is a long trip,but, will be so cool if we pick the best scenic routes. I received the picnic basket and blanket already, they are too cool! Not cheap at all! Dishes, cups and silverware for two and enough room for LOTS of food and the blanket. Click on the pictures to view larger images.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Oh, so sore! But,oh,so happy!
And also include having instant equity since we got it for a steal and even got them to reside the whole house at no cost to us. Even added more to the homes value.
Even when you see the pictures of both homes, knowing that the older home was being sold to us for 235K and the other at 200K, and them being only 4.5 miles apart, we got the better end of the deal.

The only thing was moving. Moving 3 times in as many years has really taken a toll. I am so happy to know that we have finally been able to get the financing done, and not be in another lease option with some not so honest or truthful folks I am VERY certain my happiness will aid in my quick recovery.
The pictures of the inside of the house show all the stuff we still have in boxes. I will take more when we get it all put away and cleaned up. I was able to find the sheer curtains at a Garage sale for 4 dollars! But, Papa and I want to come up with some plans on how we want to remodel and decorate. Gone are the days of buying to make due! Now we would like to have it how we both want it to look and feel. I can't wait to make my own curtains and decorating.
The first pictures are of the house we originally tried to purchase, The second set is of the new house I found by chance, on a site I never look at, and was able to get the sellers to accept even though they had 2 other deals on the table. Talk about the Lord always being there at the right time. I think that is why we had to go through what we went through the last 4 years..if we hadn't gone through what we did, we would never have been able to purchase the best home I have every lived in..ON ONE FLOOR!
We will be looking through a lot of decorating magizines to try and find how we want to decorate the rooms. First we have to save, get the fence and a few other priorities done. But, If anyone has any magazines with decorated rooms in them to look at, send them our way!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
How scary is that?
Well, Mason's first couple of weeks at ASU have gone well. He had fun at camps and enjoyed his classes and teachers. I think he misses us since he calls a LOT. But, it could be he just wants us to send him more things. Which we did just the other day. Cost a pretty penny for 3 big boxes!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Dreams come true and Prayers are answered.
It was the 11th hour and 59th minute! Papa and Mason had to get in a couple more bits of information to the NCAA to hopefully get them to approve Mason’s scholarship to ASU and participate in Running track. Something he has been working so hard and done so well in. He even worked hard on his grades to get on the Honor Roll this his last Semester!
We were prepared to wait, like they told us. We knew we would have to send Mason to ASU, and most likely have to pay to bring him home once the NCAA made their final decision if they determined that he did not meet their guidelines. But, it is something we are willing to risk, in fact, we were doing everything they asked us to do to try and get his clearance, and more but the NCAA was being obstinate. We had a prayer chain going from all over the world so that the Good Lord would help the NCAA see that Mason was worthy of the chance.
And it worked. Papa and I cannot stop crying because there are no words to express how happy this makes us! For our son to have this chance means everything to us and Mason is so happy to be getting what he has wanted and worked for the last couple of years! There are no words to express our gratitude to all that prayed, Suzanna from the ASU compliance office and Julie from Sehome who worked diligently to get all the paper work from the school and to the NCAA so that they would make the right decision!
Our house closed on Thursday, so we have our new home and are moving, then Friday we got the email that Mason was all cleared for landing and attending ASU. Wow! We are truly blessed with all that has gone on. Just when we think all is lost…it is found once again! We are jumping, and crying with joy and we wanted to be sure to let all of you that have helped know how much we appreciate your help and prayers. Thank you from the bottom of our heart and soul!
I have never seen my son so happy, not to just be able to move out, but, to have the opportunity to do what he has wanted for years now, attend college and participate in sports. And he does so well and is so motivated to do even better by hopefully doing well enough to take it all the way to the Olympics.
Next, well, it will be trying to pay for all this. Getting my craft room together and making great art pieces to sell to support this venture. Then it will be keeping up with all of Mason’s accomplishments as a runner at ASU and hopefully maybe be reporting on his venture to the Olympics! Got to have a goal!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Catch up
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Mason's Picture in Paper....AGAIN...And the article is not even ABOUT him!

Now the challenge is getting him to ASU before practice starts!
Monday, June 30, 2008
PREPS ALL-WHATCOM COUNTY PREPS: Boys’ athletes of the year finalists bios
Here is the picture they put in the Herald Paper, one of our favs!
Andrei Lintz, and Brady Bomber Both 3 sport athletes took 1st and second. But, they weren't picked for the best in their individual sports. Mason was the only one in his two sports, to be picked number one in both.PREPS ALL-WHATCOM COUNTY PREPS: Boys’ athletes of the year finalists bios
MASON MCHENRY School: Sehome Year: Senior What he did: Won the Class 2A state championship in the 800- meter run and set a meet record with a winning time of 1:52.53 … Finished second in the 1,600 this year behind teammate Colin Flynn … Holds the 2A state meet record with the winning mark of 4:15.70 in 2007 … Led the Sehome boys to their second straight state championship … Finished seventh at the state cross country meet in 2007; the Mariners finished second behind Burlington-Edison … Will run at Arizona State University next year ... Was named The Bellingham Herald’s All-Whatcom County Runner of the Year in cross country and track and field. Coach’s quote: “Mason is the most gifted athlete I have ever worked with. In his two seasons of track, he has established himself as not only one of the greatest middle distance runners in the state of Washington but one of the top in the country. His accomplishments and talents on the track, along with his positive attitude and fun-loving personality, will leave an incredible legacy.” — Sehome track coach Jen Leita
Hard to believe that the Greater Bellingham Running Club denied Mason the award for the best runner in High School isn't it? I wrote to them and asked them why they awarded it to another athlete that had not half the acommplishments, but, have not yet gotten back to me to give me any reason's as to why he was not considered as the top runner in the County, much less the State.
The other athlete is a great kid and I congratulate him. I would never consider the award taken from him. He is a great kid. Not as talented, yes, but, a hard worker and who did his best and who Mason respects very much.
Now, with the NCAA taking so much time approving his transcripts and us getting the financing, we have no idea how we are going to afford getting him to ASU. Eash day it costs more and more money, which we cannot afford without me working. What a pickle. You get your son where he needs and wants to be, but cannot afford to send him. Talk about stress. Wish us luck, or if you want to help, you can hit the donate button.
I talked to the coach, who was at the Olympic Trials this week and finally found out when Mason has to be there. He needs to be there before the dorms open, so we will have to find a Hotel room for him also. No, I am not stressed at all! LOL! We ALL are.
We are very proud and hope he makes it to the Olympic Trials the next time. Looking at all the athletes he has a long way to go and lots of hard practice. Something he is good at. Wish us luck!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Well that went fast!
First night in 3 years!
I just slept like a rock for the first night in about 3 years.
I usually always get up at least twice a night from pain, get up, take some meds, then watch TV till I am able to fall asleep again.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day!
Friday, June 13, 2008
ALL-WHATCOM COUNTY BOYS' TRACK AND FIELD: McHenry ran to a record-setting finish
MARK MALIJAN of THE BELLINGHAM HERALD Click photo for larger view.
I will try and scan the inside of the paper where there are a couple more pics and the coaches comment. The favorite part for us was the coaches quote in the hard copy paper that I don’t have at the moment. Papa has to have it so he can look at it as he moves around the house! LOL!
EDIT TO ADD: Coaches quote: Mason is the most gifted athlete I ever worked with. He graduates Sehome with School records in the 400m, 800m, 1600m, and holds 2A state meet records in the 800m and 1600m. In his 2 season of track he has established himself as not only one of the greatest middle distance runners in the state of Wa but one of the top in the country. His accomplishments and talents on the track along with his positive attitude and fun loving personality, will leave an incredible legacy. Jen Leita.
This article makes it hard for me to believe that the running club here in Whatcom County that awards scholarships to the best runners, awarded it to someone we heard, has less accomplishments in running then other runners in the county, much less Mason. We know not all applied. But, you can read it in the papers, online forums, blogs, etc that Mason’s record beats out the other runners in the County in all classes. Not to mention in the State.
It is NOT the fault of the other runner, in fact the runner that received the award is a great kid and said some wonderful things about Mason on how he would use Mason as his rabbit to do as well as he did. (Read about this in the Bellingham Herald Paper about the State championships) In fact he credits Mason for his success. But, the statistics that show him to be the best high School runner in Whatcom County, are not there. But, he does not control the clubs decision on the awarding of the scholarship and I do not want anyone to think I would place any blame on this very talented and mature runner, that I would hold it against him or even have the award taken from him at all.
Was the club going on some other type of criteria besides running? Did they change their guidelines on the athlete’s eligibility this past year? IF so, was it posted on the application or other materials? Was there something that my son did not fill out on the application?
Our understanding, from what others have said and the awards given in the previous years, this award was given to the Runner based on their merit as a runner and who also applied for the scholarship.
I have to say I am embarrassed that we don’t have answers as to how this happened by now. Only a denial letter that was unsigned and gave no reason why he was not chosen. It is a slap in the face to not only our son, but, to us, a single income family with a disabled parent that struggles to afford to send their son off to get the best education and training he can with the little bit of resources we have or will have. Everyday I work with the little bit that I have and can do, to try and get my son what he needs and, because I am so proud, I want him to have what he wants, also. Unfortunately, I am to stay out of it for now, so I am not able to contact anyone. We have to wait till the men take care of it, if they decide too.
I hope to get answers very soon so that I can post them here and let you all know. I am sure you all are as curious as we are as to what happened. It is not that I am someone that is biased, or hysterical that my ‘precious, do no wrong, most gorgeous, fastest runner in the world should get everything, and how dare you pass my son up type of person.
I know all of you that have tracked Mason’s career in High School Track, and KNOWS his talent and stats and that it is a fact that he is the best middle distance runner in the state as well as Whatcom County. If I am wrong, let me know.
I am just the auditor mom making sure my son, or our family get what we deserve. Like I said, I struggle for every little bit I can to get him what he needs.
Right now I am proud of my son for his accomplishments and hope he continues to excel in everything he does.
I have nothing but respect for the runner that we heard received the award. If it is in fact this runner, I know him as selfless contributor and representative of his home town and not to mention a true sportsman and competitor. There is nothing negative that anyone could ever say about him. We would NEVER expect that the award be withdrawn from him and we wish him well and all the success in reaching his goals.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bam, Mason makes the Honor Roll!!
It is a great way to finish out his school years making honor roll! The only other time was when he was in the 6th grade! It has been a struggle for him with all he had on his plate with the many different activities he was involved in. From, chess, to bowling, to cub scouts, to baseball, to running, to the Cello and I am sure I am missing something!
He was great in everything he did. But, I remember when it came to having to much to do and it interferring with school and I had to say....stop! And he gave up a couple things and it seemed to help. Though I know the teams he was on really missed him and he missed participating. There IS a time when there IS too much.
I got to take a look at his Year Book yesterday. It is so big! His pictures all came out great and we ordered a parent page also that came out very nice. In fact, this year it seems all the Parent Pages were very nice, except for the one where the parents put a picture of their daughter who lookied like she was 3-4 on the TOILET! Actually looks like she was half in with just her head and lets sticking out. Who would do that? Post a picture of your kid on the embarrassing! It is cute..but, different then that of a kid in the my humble opinion.
Papa made up the Parent page for him. I hope you can see it ok. Click on the picture and you can see the full size version. There was also a full page picture of him in the track team section and he was voted with another young man as "Most likely to date a freshman?! From reading all the notes it looks like he rescued a lot of freshman girls by giving them rides at all hours of the night when they were in delicate conditions. Oh, so that is where he was always going late at night!! He was the rescuer and liked by many people. Living in Bellingam all his life, he knows quite a few kids.
Well, look for the video and pictures of his graduation and don't forget, I listed a couple contests you can enter! Someone Has to win!
Kitchenaid Giveaway by Rock Star Hair Bows!
Click below and go to the Rock Star site, follow the directions to win! I have always wanted one of these and even found one for 40 dollars in excellent condition at a garage sale. But, Papa would not let me buy...he regrets it now! One of these days I will get one! Maybe one of you will win! Good luck! If you are having problems getting to the site: Click here to win!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Mariner Champs Poster From Bellingham Herald!
Thought you all would like to see a picture of the Whole Gang! Click on the picture and it should take you to a link of the poster size...if not, click here:
State Championship Videos
Mason gave it a good go for the 1600m race and came in second behind his teammate Colin Flynn. I have to admit I am so proud he was even able to run that long a race with his leg. Last year he was able to take first in the 1600m, to beat out the favored Isak Bergman, that is a good ending! So, I know he could have done it. But, he was able to take first place in the shorter 800m race the next day. So he is the State Champ this year in the 800m, and his school also won the State Championship also...GO MARINERS!
Thanks to Papa for editing the videos so they are not long and boring! I have yet to master this without obliterating the video!
Because of his leg, and with the ASU's advice, he won't be going to California for the Golden West Invitational. I am glad and I am sure going to graduation instead will be just as fun. Besides..we already bought the cap and gown! I am sure there will be some parties here and there. On Prom night he was the designated driver for a lot of kids which made me proud. He choose not to go...but, was there for his classmates and friends. I have a feeling he will be doing the same
Now we are on too ASU. This will be a great new adventure for him and I know he is looking forward to it. Mama and Papa too!
Enjoy the video's! There won't be any more, unless we travel to his events when he runs at the UofW!
Monday, June 2, 2008
ASU Men, Women Capture NCAA West Region Track & Field Crowns
Monday, May 26, 2008
Mason wins 800m in State, setting, school, district and State records
Mason has been running on a bad leg and was not able to out run his team mate Colin Flynns last blast from behind! Though Mason Still holds the state record time for the 1600m, Colin really was able to pull it out and speed past everyone for the win. Wait till you see it on video. It gave Sehome 18 points by having Colin in first and Mason in second.
The 800m gave the 17 points by having Mason in first and Colin in third. Mason set the state 2A time, not to mention district and school records. All this on a bad leg.
We are hoping to post videos this week, they are very exciting! Papa worked hard fighting a HUGE crowd. Ma was able to attend the first day, but, had to baby sit the dogs on the really hot day in the car. So sad!
Oh, here are some links to the Bellingham Herald and Tacoma Tribune that posted some good pictures. This will tide you over till the videos come.
Mariners rule 2A boys’ track
McHenry ready to run at state meet
It was a hard trip for us, since we had to take our precious pets with us. The first day was cold and windy, so we were ok that day, but, the next day was way to hot and sunny to leave them in the car.
The other bummer was that, being handicapped, the stadium had the elevator shut down. The only way to get up to the top was to climb the stairs which was devastating to my legs which gave out and I almost pulled Papa backwards. There was a very kind man standing on the crowded stairs that caught me…but, it was enough to put me and my husband in danger.
I cannot believe that the school would schedule a maintenance time during a huge event as this and cause me injury and Papa to nearly fall backwards from me holding on to him.
By the time we left it was useable, but, I can’t help but think who the brain fart was that thought this up or did not recognize this would be essential to have during a huge event as this. Thanks, a lot…my legs are still recouping from this! Tahoma High School gets a Failing mark for that one!!
Ok, so everyone look for the video’s to come!
We are still deciding Golden West Invitational, with his leg being injured…we will ask the ASU coaches and see. Gosh…would love to see that!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
800m District Finals May 2008
Video's of the Finals in the 800m and 1600m.
Here is the finals for the 1600m at Districts at Cedarcrest High School. Mason’s time was 4:19.5 I think. Nathan Seely is on his back pretty much the whole race. Nathan always seems to ride Mason’s wind every race! If you watch most the video’s you will see this. Maybe this is why he fell in the 4x400, following to close? Mason set records for both the 1600m and 800m at Cedarcrest, but, they were only a year old and Mason was taking it easy because of his leg.